At Bertelsmann, responsible conduct is an integral part of the corporate culture. In its corporate responsibility management, Bertelsmann pursues the goal of harmonizing the economic, social and ecological interests of its internal and external stakeholders as best as possible.
This attitude is enshrined in the company’s core values, the Bertelsmann Essentials: “We take responsibility in society and for our environment – with the goal of shaping a better future.” On this basis, the company works continuously on the strategic evolution of its corporate responsibility (CR) and Group-wide reporting on ESG issues (ESG stands for “Environmental,” “Social,” and “Governance”). ESG was included as a new general condition for the Group strategy in fiscal 2022.
The Bertelsmann Corporate Responsibility Council, the Group’s steering committee for ESG, regularly brings together executives from the divisions under the leadership of the Chief HR Officer. Together, they set Group-wide goals, advance material issues and ensure a cross-divisional coordination of CR management. At Group level, the Corporate Responsibility department coordinates and supports the work of the CR Council in close cooperation with other Group functions. CR projects and measures are implemented by the divisions and companies in line with Bertelsmann’s corporate structure.
On our CR website, you can learn more about what drives us, how we take responsibility, and what Bertelsmann, its divisions and companies around the world are doing:
ewww.bertelsmann.com/corporate-responsibilityIntegrity & Compliance
Bertelsmann has established a comprehensive Integrity & Compliance program and appointed a Corporate Compliance Committee (CCC). The Integrity & Compliance department is responsible for putting this topic into action in the organization. It supports the CCC in fulfilling its tasks and informs employees about key legal provisions and internal company guidelines. The program’s effectiveness is ensured through regular evaluation and risk-oriented adjustments.
Building on the Bertelsmann Essentials, the foundational document is Bertelsmann’s Code of Conduct, which sets out the obligation for all employees to behave with integrity and in accordance with the law. Additional guidelines have been issued on key topics such as anti-corruption, antitrust law, foreign trade, and business partner compliance. Employees receive comprehensive training and counsel, and compliance violations are not tolerated. Suspected violations are investigated immediately, and any detected violations are remedied without delay.
Further information about Integrity & Compliance at Bertelsmann can be found online at: